Sunday, July 11, 2010

who I am?

Every man at certain point of his life begins to think about who are them. I had begun to think about that but it is something very difficult to find yourself. For example, Plato, in “Allegory of the cave”, says, “but he will see himself in his own proper place, and not in another, and he will contemplate him as he is.”(Paragraph #23) As the story say I want to see me in my own proper place, and contemplate me as I am. I know I am not my body because in the human body every day lots of cells die and they are replaced by new ones, and in seven years there is not even one of the previous cells. For example: When I was five years old, I had a very different body than I do now, and I am still the same person. Therefore, I am not my body, I am neither my way of thinking because I like everybody learn something new every day so in some years I will think very different. I am not my name or the race I look like, I am not a smart boy, or whatever I think I am. I cannot describe myself with words, because describe something is like lock up it with words, the language is only for the practice, it is a false illusion to think that you can describe things with a vocabulary, because everything including humans, living things and everything around us cannot be locked up into words because its own proper perfection. Even though I am catholic, I do not describe me like a catholic, and although I do sports all the time, I do not describe me like an athlete, I cannot describe me myself with words, and certainly nobody can. Therefore, I can see myself as if I am and contemplate me as I am. I am still trying to find who I am and I will only found it out by an extraction process.

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